Is “you get what you pay for” true online?

Posted on April 21, 2010. Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

It’s an old saying… one I heard my parents use often.  And I freely admit that I’ve said it a few times myself.

You get what you pay for!

What does this phrase mean?  The implication is that cost equals quality.  If a thing or a service is inexpensive then the quality is less than a comparable item of higher cost.  And there is certainly truth to this saying for many things.  For example, a $100 desk is likely made of particle board with paper “woodgrain” glued on it where a $1000 desk may be made of solid cherry or oak.  The finish and fit of the components in the cheaper desk are not as polished and precise.  Clearly, the higher cost item in this case is also higher quality.

Equating cost to quality in manufactured items is valid the majority of the time.  Exceptions tend to be when brand recognition or celebrity association inflate the cost beyond the actual difference in quality which, let’s face it, happens way more than it should in our “follow the cultural zeitgeist” world.

Another valid use of “you get what you pay for” is service.  You know what I mean.  Go hire someone to paint your house at a rate substantially lower than the industry norm and you will very likely get an inferior result.  The painter is probably inexperienced, inept, or both and will likely cut corners in order to make the job profitable.  Services are an easy win for “you get what you for” since time = money and it normally takes longer to do a good job than a poor one.

So we can all agree on the rationale and validity of this phrase.  But does it hold up for software and online services?  No! Let me say that again with more emphasis… NO!! There are entirely too many instances where free or low-cost tools and services perform as well or better than their more expensive counterparts.  Don’t believe me?  Let’s look at a few examples.

Wikipedia – I grew up in a time where it seemed every family I knew had a full set of Encyclopedia Britannica on a bookshelf in their home.  As an adult, I regularly invested in Microsoft Encarta as a digital encyclopedia.  Then along comes wikipedia and turns the encyclopedia world upside-down.  Is it perfect?  Absolutely not!  There are inaccurate entries, fluff, and downright wrong opinions stated as if they were fact.  But the beauty and wonder of wikipedia is that the entire world can edit the entries.  This open system leads to a level of self-correction that is remarkable all by itself.  And this wealth of information is free!

Google, Bing, Ask, Wolfram Alpha, and other search engines – Need to know what happened on April 21st, 2010?  For one thing, it is the 50th anniversary of Brasilia replacing Rio de Janeiro as the capital of Brazil.  How do I know?  I just typed the date into Wolfram Alpha and it gave me that little tidbit along with several other data points specific to this date.  Search engines, more than anything else, have changed our society to one of “just in time” knowledge.  In another post, I will talk more on this subject but for now just think on what search engines truly mean.  With the sheer amount of knowledge now available online, a good search engine and reasonable querying can help you answer nearly any factual question.  We literally have the accumulated knowledge of the world at our immediate disposal and guess what, it’s free!

MyUdutu – If you have ever created an e-learning course, you will know that most of the really good authoring tools are fairly expensive.  Cheaper alternatives tend to be “lite” or otherwise crippled in features compared to their more costly brethren.  Not so with MyUdutu, the online course authoring system from Udutu.  This full-featured online tool matches and often beats the competition and the tool itself is provided absolutely free!

Moodle, ILIAS, Sakai, .LRN, and other open source LMS options – Even more expensive than the authoring tools are learning management systems (LMS).  Licensing, hosting, customization are all costly and while a free LMS doesn’t negate all costs (still need to host and administer), it does greatly reduce the total TCO particularly for small to medium organizations when compared to enterprise LMS offerings from Saba, SumTotal, Plateau, GeoLearning and other major LMS vendors.  Barry Sampson has a great post on open source LMS alternatives., Audacity, GIMP, Inkscape, and other open source tools – Speaking of open source, there are a ton of incredible feature-rich free applications out there that offer quality alternatives to their expensive counterparts.  Is GIMP better than Photoshop… or better than Microsoft Office… or Inkscape better than Illustrator?  I’m not saying that is or isn’t the case for any of these apps.  But I will say that each of these is absolutely a viable (and FREE!) alternative to the paid option.  And there are so many examples of people creating and using these tools with great success that it is clear the “you get what you pay for” doesn’t apply to open source!

iTunes and the iPhone/iPad App store – Love or hate Apple, you have to admire the way this company turned selling online on its ear.  The music industry hated the very idea of digital copies of music until Apple showed that selling songs for 99 cents each could be big money.  Going down to the store and paying $49.95 for a game suddenly became expensive when you could download a great game on your iPhone for a dollar or two… or even free!  There are some amazing apps for smartphones, most of which are free or very low-cost.  The idea that an easily accessible online store with stored credit card info could provide immediate global distribution for an application at a fixed cost per unit was genius, and proves yet again that you can get more than you pay for.

Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, WordPress, and other social media – I’m able to write this very blog because of WordPress, high quality free software for blogging.  Social media has transformed the online world from disconnected groups and individuals to a worldwide neighborhood of blogs, wikis, meetups, fan pages, home video, and more.  Anyone can be an author, poet, musician, artist, designer, or pundit.  This can be frightening, awkward, silly, and bizarre… but it can also be exhilarating, comforting, uplifting, funny, sincere, and inspirational.  And while there are attempts to monetize social media, it is by and large (and like to remain)… free!

There you go… my rant on quality versus cost.  When it comes to getting what you pay for, technology, open source, and the Internet have completely changed the game.

What about you?  Do you have an example you’d like to share or an opinion on quality vs cost?  I would love to hear it!

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